Crews work on installing utility lines under the new 56 Avenue bridge on Thursday. Metal thieves made off with about 20 custom-made metal utility hangers from the construction site, delaying completion.

Crews work on installing utility lines under the new 56 Avenue bridge on Thursday. Metal thieves made off with about 20 custom-made metal utility hangers from the construction site, delaying completion.

Metal thieves delay bridge completion

Twenty custom metal hangars must be replaced after they were stolen from 56 Avenue construction site

Metal thieves are believed responsible for the theft of about 20 custom-made metal hangers from a private contractor working on the new 56 Avenue bridge over the Nicomekl River between 211 Street and 213A Street in Langley Township.

The hangers, needed to support gas, water and sewer lines running underneath the bridge, were stolen from the construction site, despite on-site security and security cameras.

Making up replacement parts takes about three weeks.

Because of that, and the discovery that the soil around the bridge is softer than tests first indicated, work is running behind schedule.

The crossing was supposed to open to traffic by the end of January, but that has now been moved back to Feb. 24.

Until then, through traffic will continue to be detoured along the Langley Bypass, Fraser Highway and 216 Street.

A written memo from the Township of Langley engineering department to council said making the new date will depend on weather conditions.

Structural work is completed, “with only the installation of the approach slabs, parapets, and pedestrian/cyclist remaining” the memo stated.

Letters have been sent to the City of Langley, Langley Secondary School, Christian Life Assembly and the airport advising them of the delay.

“While some of the additional work is expected to result in additional costs, the project’s overall budget is not expected to be negatively affected,” the unsigned memo said.

Langley Times