Crews working on Vaseux Lake Aug. 4, 2021. (Doug Greason, Facebook)

Mexican firecrew taking time to recover before returning to Nk’Mip Creek Wildfire

The South Okanagan's cooler temperatures and recent rain are expected to help with fire conditions

  • Aug. 7, 2021 12:00 a.m.

The Nk’Mip Creek wildfire continues to burn out of control.

With the cool temperatures and the higher humidity levels, crews will be working on mopping up hot spots along the southern perimeter of the fire.

A team of 98 Mexican firefighters who’ve been stationed on the fire since July 25 are taking a brief break to rest and recover, and will be back on Aug. 11.

READ MORE: PHOTOS: White Rock Lake wildfire lights up night skies in the Okanagan

The fire is currently listed at 16,877 hectares in size, with guard line construction along the main northwest and northeast flanks the priority.

A task force of structural protection crews and engines will be patrolling overnight to protect assets along McKinney Road and in other areas of the fire. Properties near Mt. Baldy are being continually assessed for structural protection.

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