Midden investigated in Masset

  • Dec. 28, 2012 9:00 a.m.

School district maintenance employees trying to fix a cracked sidewalk at G.M. Dawson high school last month stopped work when they uncovered bones just under the surface. School district superintendent Angus Wilson said the bones are apparently from a mammal, but it’s not yet clear what kind of mammal. The district has hired an archeologist who is assessing the site and is adhering to all Council of the Haida Nation and provincial policies, he said. “It takes four weeks or so to go through the whole process,” he told trustees at the Dec. 18 school board meeting. “If there is a site of particular interest there, there may be a long delay.” The site, at the front of the school facing Collison Street, has been tarped and cordoned off, he said. It looks like the sidewalk may have cracked and buckled as a result of the late October earthquake, Mr. Wilson said. Maintenance staff noticed the crack at some point after the quake and wanted to fix it before someone tripped over it.

Haida Gwaii Observer