Midway Council briefs – RCMP officer introduces himself

Midway council vote themselves a raise - their first in three years and other happenings at the council table.

Councillor Marguerite Rotvold looks on as Richard Dunsdon and administrator Penny Feist review a map during last week's council meeting.

Councillor Marguerite Rotvold looks on as Richard Dunsdon and administrator Penny Feist review a map during last week's council meeting.

RCMP Denny Viktora, the newest member of the Midway detachment, accompanied Cpl. Judson Mayes to Monday night’s council meeting for introductions. Viktora and his wife and two children have recently moved from Chilliwack. He has seven years experience with the RCMP and according to Mayor Randy Kappes, “Makes a fine addition to the men’s hockey team.”


Council continues to be concerned about the possibility that the current review of the regional district waste management plan will bring about the removal of the recycling bins in Midway.

Councillor Gary Schierbeck argued that removing the bins would result in more bush dumping.

Councillor Marguerite Rotvold said the biggest issue for the waste management committee is the fact that the community bins in Greenwood and Midway are unmanned and Multi-Material BC, the stewardship group responsible for collecting post-consumer packaging, will not pay for recycling from unmanned site.

Rotvold said the Midway Seniors are writing a letter in support of keeping the service. She added that there would be a second public meeting in January or February as part of the waste management plan review, though she was unsure of the date or time.


Midway council voted themselves a $100 raise each year for the next four years. This comes after three years without an increase in their remuneration. The mayor will receive $7,120 for 2015 and councillors $5,560. A lump sum increased was supported over a percentage increase. The raise means an extra $25 on each quarterly cheque.


Kettle Valley Racing Association received permission to use the airport for their sixth annual snowmobile drag races on Sunday, Feb. 7.

For the first time, the organizers will be asked to pay for village staff and equipment that might be used for the event. Administrator Penny Feist said that she’d had the works foreman keep a record of the time spent last year and she suggested that the fees be applied.

Other groups, such as the August bluegrass festival and the Good Sam’s, are charged a flat fee that covers village staff and equipment that is used for their events.

A motion was passed that the airport property could be used without charge but if municipal staff and equipment is used they will be billed accordingly. Council also stipulated that staff and equipment would only be available after village priorities were met. The village will support the race by way of advertising on the village ad board and by letting them use the village generator for the day.


Council will meet with Area E director Vicki Gee in the near future to discuss issues of mutual concern. A tentative date was set for Jan. 14 at 1 p.m.


Rotvold reported the RCMP Community Consultative Group New Year’s fun skate was attended by 114 people. Door prizes were won by Devon Nakatsu (iPod Shuffle), Penny Feist (portable speaker and karaoke microphone) and Grace Geen (tablet).


Boundary Creek Times