Military motorcyclists ride to help children

Seven motorcyclists stopped for lunch in Clearwater on Monday, courtesy of Legion Branch 259

Participants in the Military Police National Motorcycle Relay Ride stop for lunch at the Clearwater Legion Hall on Monday. Pictured are (l-r) Alyce Tod, Derek Dekai, Legion member Reita Vandenborre, George Robinson, Stephane LeFoot, Legion member Charlotte Cederholm,  Tony Brooks, Shawn Gillis, and Lamont French.

Participants in the Military Police National Motorcycle Relay Ride stop for lunch at the Clearwater Legion Hall on Monday. Pictured are (l-r) Alyce Tod, Derek Dekai, Legion member Reita Vandenborre, George Robinson, Stephane LeFoot, Legion member Charlotte Cederholm, Tony Brooks, Shawn Gillis, and Lamont French.

Seven motorcyclists stopped for lunch in Clearwater on Monday, courtesy of Legion Branch 259.

The seven were part of the Military Police National Motorcycle Relay Ride, explained George Robinson, the ride captain for B.C.

They started from Victoria on Sunday morning. On Tuesday they plan to meet four riders who have ridden from the Atlantic coast. They will escort them through B.C. to the Pacific Ocean at Victoria.

Purpose of the ride is to raise money for two charities, Robinson said.

The first is the Military Police Fund for Blind Children. This volunteer-run charity helps visibly challenged children up to the age of 21.

The second is the Children’s Wish Foundation, which has the mission of fulfilling the wishes of children diagnosed with life-threatening illnesses.

Last year the B.C. ride raised $27,000 for the two charities, more than one-third of the national total of $75,000.

The provincial body raised the amount through a silent auction, fundraising at a Walmart store, and pledges from individual riders.

Over the previous four years the national ride has raised a total of $175,000.

All the riders pay to participate and receive no money from sponsors to help pay for the cost of lodging, etc, Robinson said.

Despite the event’s name, only one member of the B.C. ride is a retired military police officer. Most of the rest are serving members of the Canadian military, with different trades such as information technician, engineer and weapons technician. One is a civilian who works at Royal Roads University.

After meeting the other riders in Jasper they plan to motorcycle through Golden, Kamloops, Squamish and Comox on their way to Victoria.

On Aug. 28 they will meet in front of the Legislative buildings in Victoria and the cross-Canada riders will dip their tires in the Pacific Ocean.

Along the way they are accepting meals and other assistance from Legion branches in the towns they pass through. While in Kamloops they will stay overnight in the Rocky Mountain Rangers armoury.


This was the first time they stopped in Clearwater for a meal from Legion Branch 259 and the riders said they appreciate the good food they were given.



Clearwater Times