Mill Bay dog poisoned by cannabis during walk

"It's the absolute pits to have to watch your pet suffer"

Oliver was poisoned after ingesting marijuana on a walk in Mill Bay. (Submitted)

It’s a whole new take on recreational marijuana but it’s not one pet owners are taking too kindly to.

Kate Morrow, a dog owner from Mill Bay is warning others of the ordeal she and her pooch have been through after reading about a similar series of events in Chemainus last month, in which one puppy needed emergency medical treatment three different times in recent weeks after neighbourhood walks.

“Having just read the article in the Jan. 28 edition regarding marijuana poisoning in dogs in Chemainus, I would like to report a similar poisoning on Kilipi Road, north of Mill Bay,” said Morrow. “While on a leashed walk, our puppy ingested a sufficient amount to cause severe neurological disorder and a very expensive trip to the emergency vet clinic in Langford.”

SEE RELATED: Puppy requires emergency treatment 3 times after ingesting drugs from Chemainus parks

Morrow’s dog Oliver, a 10-month-old Australian Russell, a small breed related to a Jack Russell, became very ill.

“The vets and staff at Waves emergency clinic in Langford said his age and size contributed to his profound illness,” Morrow explained. “They recommended a cage muzzle to prevent our pup from picking up deadly things. We now go walking looking a little like Hannibal Lechter, but he is safe.”

It has occurred to Morrow that the people tossing their beer and pop on the side of the road are “almost certainly” doing it from a car.

“That would suggest drunk or high driving,” she noted. “Those who feel the need to toss their beer cans and leftover pot could care less about who they harm so we owners have to be vigilant.”

The veterinary staff at Waves in Langford told Morrow they are seeing more and more pet/drug cases requiring intensive medical attention.

“It’s the absolute pits to have to watch your pet suffer, get hit with a very large expense, and have to muzzle the little guy to keep him safe,” she said.

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Cowichan Valley Citizen


Oliver was poisoned after ingesting marijuana on a walk in Mill Bay. He now has to be muzzled when out and about — not to protect others from him, but to protect him from others’ reckless behaviours. (Submitted)