Minor bush fire at Lakeshore Road

The Sproat Lake Volunteer Fire Departmentwas called out to a small bush fire out by Lakeshore Road at 1:49 a.m. on June 23.

The Sproat Lake Volunteer Fire Department battled a small bush fire in the early hours of Tuesday, June 23.

The Sproat Lake Volunteer Fire Department battled a small bush fire in the early hours of Tuesday, June 23.

The Sproat Lake Volunteer Fire Department was called out to a small bush fire out by Lakeshore Road at 1:49 a.m. on Tuesday, June 23, fire Chief Wade Hepp said.

“A tree fell on the power lines and broke one power line which in turn started a small bush fire when it hit the ground,” said Hepp.

The first crew arrived to a small ground fire and a tree that was burning 15 feet off the ground, Hepp said. Fire crews kept the situation under control until B.C. Hydro was able to cut power.

The fire was out and fire crews returned to the hall by 4:30 a.m.

The call came in to the fire dispatch from a resident across Sproat Lake. According to Hepp, the quick response made possible by the call in is essential with the fire hazard level set to extreme.

Anyone who sees a fire is encouraged to get out of harm’s way and call 911 immediately.



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