Minor purchase suspends operations

The liquor inspector made his presence known in the valley recently, as one liquor store was caught breaking the rules

Pictured is a group of minors who managed to manipulate the system and acquire alcohol

Pictured is a group of minors who managed to manipulate the system and acquire alcohol

The liquor inspector made his presence known in the valley recently, as one liquor store was caught breaking the rules.

Rocky Mountain Cold Beer, Wine and Spirits, located inside of the Prestige Inn in Radium Hot Springs, was issued a 10-day suspension for selling liquor to a minor. Because it was the first offence for the establishment, it was subject to either a $7,500 fine or 10-day suspension.

While the Prestige Inn said that the sale was not intentional, a Valley Echo inquiry to the local hotel was directed to Best Western’s Canadian head office, which expressed confusion in its reply.

“I am not sure why you were directed here,” reads the email from head office. “Each hotel is individually owned and operated so I can’t answer these questions. You need to contact the local hotel for any information.”

In the summer, the Best Western Invermere Inn’s liquor store was also fined for an offence under the provincial liquor act.


Invermere Valley Echo