

Mirror Morning – Oct 5



Good Thursday morning everybody.

Hey, one more day of sunshine before showers roll in tomorrow and Saturday. But no worries the sun is supposed to return on, appropriately, Sunday.

After that sunny introduction, I’m sorry to remind of this. Remember ast winter? What a mess. Well the city wants to be ready in case it happens again and they’re asking your input. The city announced a survey of Campbell River residents asking for suggestions on how to deal with snow clearing. Something that lots of people had lots to say about last winter. Find a link to the survey in our story on campbellrivermirror.com.

Yuck. Sorry about that.

Here’s something more pleasant. Check out this selfie put up by Nootka wilderness lodge on the west coast of the Island. A video of the photo op can be seen on our website, Campbell river mirror.com. Check it out. It’s amazing.

And the Tidemark Theatre saw an amazing concert by old rocker Burton Cummings last night. He of the guess who and solo fame.

Got my own way to rock.

It was a sold out show and a complete love-in as the Canadian rocker – now almost 70 – helped the tidemark celebrate its 30th anniversary.

Check out these stories and others in Friday’s Campbell river mirror and on our website campbellrivermirror.com

Have a good day.

In other news:

Campbell River Mirror