A police officer stands by a kayak that overturned on Mission Creek in Kelowna on April 22, 2021. (Aaron Hemens/Capital News)

Mission Creek restoration project showcases work in new video

The video also shows the historical significance of the creek

  • May. 28, 2021 12:00 a.m.

The Mission Creek Restoration Initiative (MCRI) has released a video highlighting the work being done to restore its functionality, as well as documenting its significance.

In a statement, MCRI said the project’s partners are working together to develop a comprehensive conservation and restoration plan for lower Mission Creek. The plan will outline area-specific strategies to restore the creek’s self-stabilizing capacity, improve fish and wildlife habitat, enhance social and recreational values, and increase economic results for the surrounding communities.

MCRI project coordinator Steve Matthews said the plan will be designed to support and enhance objectives, policies and programs for affected governments, conservation organizations and community groups.

“This collaboration is not only the right thing to do; it also guarantees innovative solutions as multiple perspectives are shared around the planning table,” he said.

Mission Creek Restoration Initiative – 2020 documentary film from Copper Sky Productions on Vimeo.

MCRI’s other activities include fish and fish habitat monitoring, and ongoing assessments of restoration work to ensure long-term stability and function.

“Fish and fish habitat assessments have been conducted year since 2015 to reveal the effectiveness of the Phase 1 dike setback, and to guide future restoration project design,” Matthews said.

Okanagan Nation Alliance fisheries biologist Karilyn Alex said recent assessments showed stream channel instability is still an issue and that due to climate change, this will continue to be an issue.

“Experts predict that without a substantial focus on conservation and restoration, there will be ongoing loss of habitat over time, which could jeopardize future sustainability of some fish and wildlife populations,” she said.

To learn more about the restoration project at Mission Creek, visit their website.

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@twilamam twila.amato@blackpress.ca

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