Mission Fire Rescue Service holding a training session in 2016 at Station 1 for all of its officers. The session was facilitated by instructors. Bob Friesen photo.

Mission Fire Rescue Service holding a training session in 2016 at Station 1 for all of its officers. The session was facilitated by instructors. Bob Friesen photo.

Mission firefighters to get new interim training centre

Currently, crews sent to other municipalities to train to keep up with professional standards

  • Oct. 30, 2020 12:00 a.m.

Instead of having to travel to other communities to train, Mission firefighters will soon have their own interim training centre.

Currently, the District’s fire crews often have to train outside of Mission to keep up with professional standards.

“This much-needed training facility will enable Mission’s firefighters to be trained locally,” said acting Mayor Hamilton. “The new facility will improve overall public safety in our community.”

The new centre will have interior and exterior training activities – such as auto extrication, incident command management, ladder training and rope rescues – but won’t have live-fire training due to environmental concerns and the affects on neighbouring businesses.

“Training is the foundation of all the other great things we do in the Fire Service,” said Fire Chief Mark Goddard. “There is a motto that we have and it’s ‘train how you fight and fight how you train.’

“A dedicated space where skills can be honed and complex tactics are practiced not only will bolster value and pride in our ranks but improve the quality of our service to the community.”

The training centre will be located at 7150 Bank Street.

RELATED: Apartment fire on Sunday displaces 82 Mission residents

Mission City Record