Tyler Niles, People’s Party of Canada candidate in Mission-Matsqui-Fraser Canyon. (Photo credit: Submitted)

Mission-Matsqui-Fraser Canyon: People’s Party of Canada candidate Tyler Niles

People's Party of Canada candidate Tyler Niles answers questions

  • Sep. 20, 2021 12:00 a.m.

Tyler Niles, People’s Party of Canada candidate for Mission-Matsqui-Fraser Canyon

1) What will you do specifically for rural communities? By working with the local and provincial governments we can work on better serving our rural communities by helping them achieve their requests for infrastructure upgrades. We will repeal any COVID lockdowns or passport measures to further open up travel and increase tourism to all areas.

2) How do you plan to prepare our rural communities for future wildfires, flooding, and other natural disasters? To help prepare for and prevent future forest fires we need to have better management of our forests. We need to be proactively maintaining them by removing blow down more often and stopping the spraying/removal of deciduous trees that hold more water and burn slower.

3) How will you address issues surrounding childcare in rural areas? Currently childcare falls under the jurisdiction of provincial and municipal governments. The PPC intends to leave these parties in charge of childcare, as we believe in smaller government. It takes a village to raise a child, not an empire. When the government gets involved in childcare you get poor quality childcare with a bill that is passed onto the children through deficits.

4) How will you ensure affordable/sufficient housing — including rental housing — in rural communities, especially for seniors and those on fixed incomes?We can lower the cost of rentals/available housing by decreasing our intake of refugees and immigrants to those with skills useful within our society and those with legitimate refugee claims. This will decrease the demand and burden on our housing. Provinces need to get better at reviewing and approving building permits, allowing faster build times and lowering the interest the builder pays on the lot, allowing for savings to be passed onto the home owner.

5) What do you intend to do to get people back to work during and after COVID-19? We need to end government handout stimulus checks and get people back into the work force, which will help grow our economy. We will work on gradually reducing corporate income tax, freeing up more money for salaries and raises. We will work on reversing any COVID mandates, including passports, and help Canadians who choose not to take a vaccine, or who can’t for medical reasons, keep their jobs.

6) What commitments will you make when it comes to addressing climate change, both locally and nation-wide? We will abandon unrealistic carbon emission goals, invest in adaptation strategies if a problem arises from any natural climate change, and prioritize implementing practical solutions to make our air, water, and land cleaner, including bringing clean drinking water to remote First Nation communities.

7) How will you address Truth and Reconciliation with First Nations? A PPC government would sit down with affected Indigenous groups and work on creating a path going forward to create honest Truth and Reconciliation by reviewing and investigating all documents and interviewing all parties involved that are still around today. Together we can gather a more complete story and provide closure and justice to all who were affected.

A PPC government will replace the Indian Act with a new legal framework guaranteeing equal rights and responsibilities to Indigenous people and promoting self-reliance of communities. We will approve natural resources and infrastructure projects after adequate consultation with affected Indigenous groups, and work in partnership with them to ensure all can benefit from these economic opportunities.

8) Rural communities looking for badly-needed infrastructure funding are often left out in the cold, while billions of dollars of federal funding go to “big ticket” items in urban centres. How will you redress this imbalance? The PPC wants to greatly reduce the amount of equalization payments made, and to redistribute them fairly to provinces and communities that can make better use of the money. We also intend to end the GST and turn it over to the provinces that collected it, allowing them to address shortcomings in health care with more doctors, nurses, or hospital beds, or by hiring more paramedics.

Ashcroft Cache Creek Journal