Pam Alexis

Pam Alexis

Mission Mayor releases statement condemning racism and discrimination

'We have a duty to be accountable to each other' and celebrate diversity

  • Jun. 4, 2020 12:00 a.m.

Mission Mayor Pam Alexis has released the following statement condemning racism and discrimination:

“On Monday night at our Regular Council meeting, I re-stated there is no place for racism in Mission, and that we are a community that celebrates diversity and welcomes all.

“When I see the violent and tragic events taking place throughout the United States after the murder of George Floyd and hear about racially-motivated attacks related to COVID-19 closer to home in British Columbia, I am heartbroken, upset and angry. These events reflect the undeniable reality of racism all around us and underscore the necessary and important work we need to do to stand united against systemic racism, discrimination and xenophobia to make change.

“We have a duty to be accountable to each other. To listen. To learn. To make space for and celebrate diversity.

“At the District of Mission, we are committed to fostering a diverse and inclusive community, one where everyone feels safe and included. This is of critical importance to me as mayor and to all of council.

“To our community members who are hurting right now, on behalf of council, I want you to know that we stand with you and we are here for you.

“I urge everyone to learn more about race and racism in Canada right now. Don’t wait. Reserve a book from the library or discover an online resource. Invest in your own knowledge. The more we all know about the history of racism in this country, the more respect, empathy and progress we can make as a society toward an equal future for all. It’s everyone’s responsibility to challenge racism and inequality.”

Mission City Record