Mission's Linda Cucek is hoping the public will support her bid to become Mrs. BC 2016.

Mission's Linda Cucek is hoping the public will support her bid to become Mrs. BC 2016.

Mission mother hoping to become Mrs. BC

Linda Cucek is the only Mission contestant in this year’s Miss BC, Miss Teen BC and Mrs. BC Pageant, which takes place July 1-3.

A Mission mother of three is hoping the public will support her bid to become Mrs. BC 2016.

Linda Cucek is the only Mission contestant in this year’s Miss BC, Miss Teen BC and Mrs. BC Pageant, which takes place July 1-3 in Fort Langley.

Cucek said she decided to become a contestant because of her “husband’s belief in me and my love of fundraising.”

She has always been an active community supporter and has volunteered countless hours as an advocate for children with autism.

Her son, James, was diagnosed with autism when he was 13 and she said it was hard on her family. Since then, she has worked tirelessly to raise awareness.

“I am largely responsible for making sure the BC government diagnosed such children at a much earlier age.”

She said being a stay-at-home mom who still takes care of her now 31-year-old son has taught her patience, persistence and to never give up.

“I want to inspire women to believe in a cause greater than themselves, no matter their age.”

American by nationality, Cucek was a court reporter and a legal secretary in the U.S. Marines. She got married more than 35 years ago and moved to B.C. She has lived in Mission for the past 15 years.

Cucek believes now is the right time to enter the Mrs. BC contest.

“I said, ‘It’s my time now. I’m going to see what I can do,’ ” said Cucek.

And if she wins?

“If I won, I’d be beside myself because I never thought I could do this. It would be pretty awesome.”

The pageant weekend takes place July 1 to 3 at the Chief Sepass Theatre in Fort Langley. The final pageant takes place July 3 at 6:30 p.m. and is open to the public.

Three women will be named Miss BC, Miss Teen BC and Mrs. BC. Other regional titles, such as Miss Fraser Valley and Miss Northern BC, will also be presented.

The charity of the Miss BC Pageant is the Cops for Cancer Tour of the Canadian Cancer Society. Since 2007, the pageant has raised more than $250,000 for the cause. So far, Cucek has raised $1,035 for the cause.

Black Press is the official media sponsor of the event. The public can visit the Mission Record website at missioncityrecord.com, click the contest icon at the top of the page and vote for their favourite contestant.


Mission City Record