

Mission senior honours fallen Snowbird

Bruce Smith, 78, decorated his car with various pieces of military memorabilia to raise awareness

When 78-year-old Mission resident Bruce Smith heard about last week’s fatal Snowbird crash in Kamloops, he wanted to do something to raise awareness.

“I saw that terrible accident and I know something about aircraft because I was in air cadets,” he said adding that ejection seats need to have several hundred feet of space before they can open.

“This one just went up and it went down.”

Smith decided to use his car as a mobile memorial and began sorting through some of his memorabilia which he keeps in a special room in his house.

“The kids call it the bunker,” he said.

He attached a model plane, military books, flag poppies hats and other items to create the memorial.

“I thought anything I can do to attract the public’s attention would be good… Capt. Jennifer Casey deserves that, she deserves the time,” said Smith.

READ: One dead in Snowbird crash

Public response has been mostly positive. According to Smith, a few people have taken pictures and said it looks good or asked about the memorabilia.

“I just want them to remember.”

Mission City Record