Mission seniors' community centre / residential project takes a small step forward

Mission seniors’ community centre / residential project takes a small step forward

District and MASH combine forces to attempt to create a centre, plus affordable seniors' housing

A proposed seniors’ housing project, including a seniors’ community centre, has taken another small step forward.

Last week, council granted third reading to a rezoning request for a project that envisions 74 units of affordable rental housing that are targeted towards seniors.

The proposed seniors’ community centre (at 7682 Grand St.) would be located on the main floor, with 74 apartment units in the five floors above.

The residential aspect of the property would be managed by the Mission Association for Seniors Housing (MASH). The district’s involvement lies with the 1,047 square metres (11,272 sq. ft.) of new community centre space that will be created as part of the same development.

It was announced in February of this year that the district and MASH had partnered to design, secure funding and construct the community facility on municipal property, directly adjacent to the Mission Leisure Centre.

In July, council approved an initial funding amount of $2.5 million for the community centre portion of the project and will also supply the land.

MASH will seek funding from BC Housing, up to $7.4 million ($100,000 for each apartment unit) to construct the residential portion.

READ MORE: Affordable housing for seniors

According to a staff report, preliminary cost estimates indicate the $2.5 million approved by council would leave a significant funding shortfall for the community centre component.

Also, if BC Housing does not provide additional funding, MASH would likely look to the district to commit some additional funds towards the housing component of the project.

While there are still several financial uncertainties at this time, both parties are hopeful this project will become a reality.

Mission Mayor Randy Hawes commended Mash on their involvement, saying the district is not a landlord.

“It’s very fortuitous for us that MASH wants to become our partner in this building and they will actually become the landlords looking after the residential component. With their expertise, it just makes total sense. This is a win-win.”

If the project eventually proceeds, the current seniors’ centre could become a new youth centre.

READ MORE: Seniors’ centre delayed

Mission City Record