Alyce Campbell (left) of the Mission Health Care Auxiliary, accepts a $2,000 cheque from Marilyn Phillips. Phillips and Bonnie Barker (not pictured) collected cans and bottles and have donated $5,000 so far. / Kevin Mills Photo

Mission seniors helping fellow seniors

Marilyn Phillips and Bonnie Barker have raised $5,000 by collecting cans and bottles

Anyone who has dropped off cans and bottles at the local depot knows that it can add up fast. However, Mission seniors Marilyn Phillips and Bonnie Barker have taken bottle collecting to a new level.

The local ladies, with help from neighbours, friends and other community members, have collected $5,000 worth or recyclables and donated the funds to the Mission Health Care Auxiliary Society on behalf of The Residence in Mission (TRIM), a three-storey long term care home.

The Health Care Auxiliary allocates these funds specifically to the residents of TRIM to be used for amenities, social events and other treats which will improve their well being and day-to-day lives.

According to Marilyn, they set a goal of $5,000 and after presenting three separate $1,000 cheques, the goal was reached when a final $2,000 cheque was presented last week.

The successful idea had a rather modest beginning.

“I think it was Bonnie who started it,” explained Marilyn. “Sometimes you get bored and we thought we’d do something as a donation.”

They had noticed bottles and cans turning up in the recycling bin or the garbage of their complex and thought, why not get the money for them.

“We went around asking people if they recycled,” explained Marilyn and soon people were collecting their empties for the cause.

“TRIM really isn’t well funded and we thought we’d just give it to them.”

Both women knew Alyce Campbell of the Mission Health Care Auxiliary Society and decided to give them the money, to disperse to TRIM.

‘We’ve been doing this for four years now… and we’re at $5,000 and it all goes to TRIM.”

While they have reached their goal, there are no plans to stop collecting bottles and cans.

“Oh, we are going to keep going.”

The bottles are bagged, driven to the depot and sorted into bins by the volunteers. Marilyn said they buy all the bags and provide the gas and time and store the cans in the garbage room.

“That’s our donation, because we don’t have many cans, but we donate our time and resources,” she said.

Marilyn and Bonnie want to acknowledge and thank the many contributors to the ongoing bottle collections including the residents of The Mews condos (at 33755 7th Ave.), the Mitchells on Norrish Ave., Ilona and Erin on Grebe Cres., David on 6th Ave., Kathleen on 4th Ave. and any other donators.

They also want to thank all of the volunteers in the Mission Health Care Auxiliary for the work they do on behalf of the residents of Mission and the surrounding areas.

Anyone who wants to drop off any bags of cans or have bags that need to be picked up, they are welcome to contact Marilyn at 604-820-2962.

Mission City Record


/ Kevin Mills Photo