Mission woman limited to owning one dog and one cat

Sentenced to two years probation with a number of conditions.

  • Mar. 21, 2015 10:00 a.m.

A Mission woman who pleaded guilty to two charges of failing to comply with an order restricting animal control has been sentenced to two years probation with a number of conditions.

For the next 24 months, Faye Delores Parkinson is restricted to owning just one cat and one dog, must keep her residence in a reasonable manner so any animals under her care are not in distress, and allow a probation officer or the officers from the SPCA to inspect her home every three months with two hours notice.

Parkinson’s sentencing hearing began on March 10 and was suspended until an assessment of her home was conducted to determine its suitability for housing pets. When the hearing resumed March 17, Crown lawyer Tyler Dotten told the court Parkinson did not cooperate with SPCA officers the first time they visited her home for the inspection.

“Mrs. Parkinson said she didn’t want an inspection without her lawyer present,” said Dotten.

When an SPCA officer returned two days later on March 12, they found two dogs and three cats on her property. There were also “quite a few cats in the yard” but Parkinson claimed they did not belong to her. The officer concluded none of the animals were in distress, but Parkinson has difficulty caring for them even though she “clearly” had the best intentions.

Parkinson has three months to find homes for the other pets and clean up her home.

This matter began in 2008, when the SPCA removed 46 Chihuahuas and Yorkshire terriers from Parkinson’s home, along with 12 cats/kittens. She pleaded guilty in 2011 to causing an animal to continue to be in distress and was placed on a number of conditions in June 2011, including that she was prohibited from owning more than four animals for three years, must spay/neuter her animals and must allow an inspection with two hours’ notice.

The SPCA then received a complaint in September 2012 that Parkinson had more animals than she should have, leading to the charges of her failing to comply with an order restricting animal control.

Outside the courtroom, Parkinson said she has owned animals all her life feels “sick” she has to give up some of her beloved pets.

“I live alone,” said Parkinson. “My animals mean everything to me.”

SPCA’s chief prevention and enforcement officer Marcie Moriarty was satisfied with the sentence handed down to Parkinson.

“The (previous) number of animals in her care resulted in her unable to provide the environment they needed and as a result, they suffered,” said Moriarty.

Overall, Moriarty said animal cruelty cases are being taken more seriously. In 2014, the SPCA forwarded 62 recommended charges to Crown prosecutors, which is about double from the previous year.

Parkinson is also before the courts on a separate matter from September 2013, when 11 cats and seven dogs were seized from her property. She was charged with causing unnecessary pain/suffering to an animal and failing to provide the necessities for an animal.

That case is scheduled to begin trial in Abbotsford on June 1, 2015. In addition to the charges that followed, the B. C. Farm Industry Review Board (BCFIRB) ordered Parkinson to pay more than $10,000 in animal-care costs to the SPCA following the seizure of the 18 animals.

The SPCA claimed $10,330.48 was spent for boarding ($7,310), veterinary care ($2,780.48) and the attendance of a special provincial constable during the seizure ($240).

Parkinson asked the SPCA to return some of her animals and challenged the costs claimed by the non-profit society to care for the 11 cats and seven dogs taken from her home.

The BCFIRB ruled against the Mission resident’s appeal.

The BCFIRB is an independent administrative tribunal  responsible for hearing appeals of decisions related to agriculture issues and to BCSPCA animal custody decisions.

Mission City Record