Mission woman ordered to pay SPCA $10,000

Eighteen animals were seized by Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals in September

A Mission woman has been ordered by the BC Farm Industry Review Board (BCFIRB) to pay more than $10,000 to the BC Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA) after 18 animals were seized from her property in September.

The SPCA claims $10,330.48 were spent for boarding ($7,310), veterinary care ($2,780.48) and the attendance of a special provincial constable during the seizure ($240).

Faye Parkinson asked the SPCA to return some of her animals and challenged the costs claimed by the non-profit society to care for the 11 cats and seven dogs taken from her home.

Recently, the BCFIRB ruled against the Mission resident on both appeals.

In November, Corey Van’t Haaff, presiding member of the BCFIRB who heard the case, directed the SPCA to destroy, sell or dispose of the seized animals.

“If any of the animals were to go back, with or without conditions, I am satisfied that the dogs and cats would not maintain good health and some (and ultimately all) would again be found in distress,” Van’t Haaff wrote.

Despite Parkinson’s best intentions, she is not able to properly care for the animals, Van’t Haaff added.

A veterinarian had also testified many of the seized pets had extreme matting which contained urine and feces, a few cats had significant dental issues, some animals were seriously underweight, and almost all had ocular dermatitis.

Last month the BCFIRB determined $10,330.48 was a reasonable amount for the SPCA to be reimbursed by Parkinson. The non-profit society decreased the original compensation sought by $2,000 and agreed not to seek further veterinary costs or boarding fees related to this matter.

Under the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act, the SPCA is entitled to keep any funds raised from the sale or other disposition of the animals.

“All our work is funded by donations,” explained Lorie Chortyk, manager of community relations for the SPCA, adding the society does seek to recover costs in some cases.

Charges are still pending against Parkinson, who had 58 cats and dogs taken from her in 2008, said Chortyk.

Parkinson was banned from owning more than four animals until August 2012, however she breached the condition and had another year added to the ban. That restriction expired in August 2013, and the SPCA seized 18 animals from Parkinson’s home on Sept. 7, 2013.

Mission City Record