Fay Breck prepares to administer a dose of the Pfizer vaccine in 100 Mile House on Tuesday, March 23. (Patrick Davies photo - 100 Mile Free Press)

Mix-up results in confusion over vaccine bookings in 100 Mile House

Call centre allowed those under 80 to book vaccines

  • Mar. 23, 2021 12:00 a.m.

100 Mile House is not among five small communities in the Cariboo-Chilcotin that Interior Health has opened up for general public COVID-19 vaccination appointments for those over 18.

Although some 100 Mile-area residents were able this week to book appointments for mid-April – even though they are under age 80 – Interior Health said Tuesday this was a mistake. Interior Health is determining the next steps for those who have booked slots.

“There was a mixup with the call centre and some people were erroneously told 100 Mile House was included,” Interior Health said in an email.

The five communities that are open to the general public 18 and older include Clinton and Horsefly and their surrounding areas, as well Big Lake Ranch, Tatla Lake and Alexis Creek.

“These communities were chosen due to their small population, distance to a large centre or remote location,” Interior Health said in an email to the Free Press. “Vaccination clinics are being held here with broader age cohorts to efficiently immunize the population. This avoids the need of immunizers returning multiple times to a community with a small population.”

People will be asked to provide identification to prove they reside in the applicable region and should make an appointment in advance by calling 1-877-740-7747, between 7 a.m. and 7 p.m., seven days a week.

100 Mile House Free Press