Columbia River Revelstoke MLA Doug Clovechok.

Columbia River Revelstoke MLA Doug Clovechok.

MLA Doug Clovechok’s Remembrance Day tribute

By MLA Doug Clovechok

  • Nov. 8, 2018 12:00 a.m.

By MLA Doug Clovechok

As the MLA for Columbia River – Revelstoke, it is my honour to once again make a statement in recognition of Remembrance Day. It is our duty to hold in high regard the day of November 11.

We must remember that it’s not just another day off from work or school, it is a day to reflect and remember that the wonderful life we enjoy today did not come for free.

We must remind ourselves of the price that was paid for our freedom so that we can truly appreciate the importance of our democracy.

When we look at the conflicts across the globe today, we are reminded of how many families are dreaming for the life that we have; to be able to let their children go to school and play safely in their homes and neighbourhoods. We cannot take this for granted.

We must never forget the men and women who left their families behind during those treacherous times of war, to stand up for what we enjoy today.

We as Canadians and British Columbians have the freedom to exchange ideas, to practice our faiths, and to speak freely because of the bravery and courage that was, and is still being displayed.

Think of our Canadian Armed Forces who are serving both here at home and scattered across the globe.

A life of service is a life of purpose, and we thank you for choosing to dedicate your lives to our great nation.

To honour those who have served and continue to serve, keep the goal of peace in the forefront of all that we do when we exchange with friends, family, and strangers. It is the way of life in rural B.C., and for this I am eternally grateful.

Lest we forget.

Golden Star