Mobile vendor OK’d to set up near highway

Sicamous council made a concession to let a mobile food concession operate in one of two requested locations.

  • Jul. 15, 2015 6:00 a.m.

Sicamous council made a concession to let a mobile food concession operate in one of two requested locations.

A local mobile food service operator had asked council to be allowed to operate in the parking lot adjacent to the houseboat information kiosk, and in a parking area at Beach Park designated for small vehicle parking. While district staff supported the former, they recommended against the latter.

“In the past, we’ve endured a lot of complaints about the vendors that have been down there and they’re also very close to a facility that’s serving the boat launch area,” commented community planner Mike Marrs. “Previous councils have denied applications from certain individuals to use that area as well…  and there have been legal issues arising from it.”

Coun. Gord Bushell said he spoke with the concession owner and was told he’s fine with just the one location. Bushell noted, however, that the owner was not aware, when his request was submitted, that the houseboat information kiosk wouldn’t be in operation this year. He said the owner may be coming back to council to get permission to open the concession on the kiosk property.



Eagle Valley News