Better Mobility Saanich is looking to implement more car-sharing services for car-light or no-car families. (Black Press Media file photo)

Mobility advocate calls on Saanich to engage with car-share providers

Improving access for residents could help district achieve climate targets: former councillor

  • Jul. 5, 2021 12:00 a.m.

Better Mobility Saanich is calling on the district to engage with car-share providers so vehicles can be accessed when needed by people choosing active transportation and/or a car-light lifestyle.

Formed earlier this year, the group advocates for the needs of all road users and has identified a number of strategic priorities. Among those is improved access to car share services, said organization member Dean Murdock, a former Saanich councillor.

Sharing services such as Modo allow people without a private vehicle to book one when they need it, and avoid the large expense that comes with owning.

“It creates a much more equitable transportation reality for residents who cannot afford a private automobile,” Murdock said.

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Modo and other similar services provide vehicles in close proximity to users, downtown or in residential Victoria neighbourhoods.

“We need members who use the service often enough to be able to justify operation costs. It’s the members who are deciding where the vehicles are going,” said Sylvain Celaire, director of business development at Modo.

Celaire said expansion to Saanich could be a possibility if the company clearly sees the need and demand.

By making borrowed vehicles more accessible for residents, Murdock said, Saanich can make significant progress on its climate targets and reduce parking requirements. He hopes the District of Saanich will consider expressing this need to car-sharing services in the region on behalf of the community.

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