Molotov cocktail thrown at Vernon elementary school

Vernon RCMP are investigating another Molotov cocktail incident, this one at a local elementary school.

Vernon RCMP are investigating another Molotov cocktail incident, this one at a local elementary school.

Police received a call about an attempted arson or, at the very least, mischief, to Silver Star Elementary School Friday at 9 a.m.

“It appears a Molotov cocktail was thrown against the building and there was a small burn as a result,” said Vernon RCMP spokesperson Gord Molendyk. “The evidence was still there, a broken bottle with a rag close to the building.”

It is the second time in two weeks that there has been a Molotov cocktail thrown against the school thought Molendyk did not have a date of the first incident.

On Sunday, April 28, a woman walking a dog in a Coldstream orchard shortly before 6 a.m. returned to her parked vehicle near Cunliffe Road and Lochhaven Drive to find her station wagon damaged from appeared to be a Molotov cocktail.

Police found a glass bottle with a lingering odour of gas at the scene. It had been thrown against the stationwagon’s windshield on the driver’s side.

The car suffered damage as a result of the incident.

“We don’t know if we have some individual in our community that has, for whatever reason, taken a liking to throwing Molotov cocktails,” said Molendyk. “We are appealing to the public for help.”

The school and the RCMP are asking anyone who sees suspicious activity around the schools to call it in, and they are asking anyone who knows anything about the Molotov cocktail incidents to please call Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-8477 or the police detachment at 250-545-7171.



Vernon Morning Star