Three of the five fires sparked near the Monashee Provincial Park are estimated to be burning more than 800 hectares, collectively. (BC Wildfire Services)

Monashee wildfires see massive growth in North Okanagan

5 fires continue to burn out of control near Monashee Provincial Park; burning more than 1,700 hectares collectively

  • Jul. 26, 2021 12:00 a.m.


Several fires burning in Monashee Provincial Park have grown substantially in size.

The Star Creek blaze was listed at 930 hectares Tuesday, July 27 – up from 274 on July 23.

To the east of that, the Spectrum Creek fire is 5.3 hectares – up from three.

North east the Hobson Peak wildfire is 330 hectares – up from the last report of 260.

North of Hobson, the Vigue Creek grew from 285 to 440.

A fire on the north end of Sugar Lake Forest Service Road is reportedly burning around 4.3 hectares – up from the last report of 1.5 hectares.



Five fires continue to burn out of control around the Monashee Provincial Park area in the North Okanagan, although little growth has been reported by BC Wildfire Services.

A BCWS spokesperson reported the Star Creek fire has grown to an estimated 274 hectares as of July 23. The fire was first discovered July 9 and is being monitored by air personnel.

To the east of that, the Spectrum Creek fire is burning at an estimated three hectares in size. Discovered on July 22, the cause is still unknown at this time.

A fire around Sugar Lake Forest Service Road is still reportedly burning around 1.5 hectares in size.

The Hobson Peak wildfire is estimated at 260 hectares and the Vigue Creek wildfire is the area’s largest at an estimated 285 hectares.

The BCWS spokesperson said more information regarding these fires will be available Monday evening (July 25).

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READ MORE: Edgewood fire evacuation order downgraded to alert

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