More gaming grants to benefit local families

money for Cariboo Family Enrichment Centre program

Cariboo Family Enrichment Centre program director Lloyd Garner was one of numerous volunteers who received certificate of appreciation from executive director Lisa De Paoli, centre, and society board chair Sheila Hart at the recent annual general meeting.

Cariboo Family Enrichment Centre program director Lloyd Garner was one of numerous volunteers who received certificate of appreciation from executive director Lisa De Paoli, centre, and society board chair Sheila Hart at the recent annual general meeting.

The Cariboo Family Enrichment Centre (CFEC) will receive $28,025 in additional funding from the B.C. Community Gaming Grant program.

CFEC executive director Lisa De Paoli says it put in a request for reconsideration of the total grant amount with some help from Cariboo-Chilcotin MLA Donna Barnett.

“This organization provides great services to the community and I’m always pleased to help groups like this whenever I can,” says Barnett.

De Paoli notes she and her staff are very happy they were recently notified CFEC will receive more funding.

After gaming grants received earlier this year, the new funding will top up the non-profit society’s centre in 100 Mile House to the maximum allocation of $100,000 for 2011/12, she explains.

De Paoli adds the funding will go towards helping CFEC fund programs for the Youth Zone, Dads and Tots, Community Kitchen and Mother/Father Goose.

Says CFEC society chair Sheila Hart: “We are very thankful that that our request for reconsideration was granted and we ended up getting the funding to help support the programs we provide.

“The help that Donna [Barnett] gave us is really appreciated.”


100 Mile House Free Press