More info needed on Tofino’s water meter malfunction

District staff will soon provide a breakdown of Tofino’s recently realized water meter breakdown.

During council’s April 14 regular meeting, Coun. Duncan McMaster said council, and the community, needs more information about the water meter malfunction that had at least two local resorts paying water bills that were a tenth of what they should have been.

“This is a pretty hot topic around town. I think there’s a lot of confusion (and) a lot of misunderstanding,” McMaster said.

“I myself have more questions than answers and I would like to see this topic go to a COW (Committee of the Whole Meeting) with a full presentation from staff as to what went wrong, how it went wrong, how we’re going to make sure it doesn’t happen again in the future and lessons learned.”

Coun. Greg Blanchette asked if the district could take it a step further by providing locals with letters explaining what happened.

“I concur that there is a lot of misinformation and approaching conspiracy theories going on around town based on not a lot of hard information,” he said.

Mayor Josie Osborne agreed but said such a letter should be considered after council has heard staff’s presentation.

“It would be good to issue some kind of statement or some kind of document that could help explain the district’s perspective,” she said.

Staff was directed to prepare the presentation for a future Committee of the Whole Meeting.

Tofino-Ucluelet Westerly News