More land set aside for Mission cemetery expansion

District council approved 3.43 ha for the cemetery

District of Mission municipal hall.

District of Mission municipal hall.

Council voted Monday to designate 3.43 ha (8.47 acres) at the Mission cemetery for future expansion that would utilize about 60 per cent of the parcel.

The land, at 34890 Cemetery Ave., is expected to provide about 10-15 years of space based on the current rate of internment in the district, read the municipal report.

A cemetery reserve fund was created last year with annual contributions being made for expansion and development plans. So far, $25,000 has been approved for a business plan in 2012 and $170,000 for a development plan for 2018.


Hatzic Park washrooms

Hatzic Park washrooms won’t be connected to sewer and water services until at least 2013, following a council vote to have staff consider including the $26,000 in the 2013 capital budget.

Currently, improvements to the washrooms remain on the unfunded projects list, which is why they have continued to be omitted from previous planned budgets.

It is expected the Hatzic Ridge housing development will bring water and sewer services to the area, which will allow the district to simply connect the infrastructure to the washrooms for $4,000. An additional, gender-segregated, washroom unit with sinks would cost $22,000.


Policy change

Former Coun. Mike Scudder asked council during question period if there has been a policy change following a public hearing Monday night in which Mayor Ted Adlem did not formally ask any councillors if they had questions.

Adlem confirmed the policy has been changed, which led to confusion that councillors are not permitted to ask questions during public hearings, or that they won’t be asking questions during future public hearings.

Deputy chief administrative officer Paul Gipps clarified Tuesday that although the mayor will no longer formally ask councillors if they have questions, that councillors are able to speak up at any time. Their silence does not therefore imply they were not allowed to ask questions.

Coun. Larry Nundal said by telephone that councillors might try to get their questions answered before the public meeting, streamlining the public hearing process.

Mission City Record