The site at 365 and 367 Hein Road in Rutland is slated for a 24-unit apartment building. —Image: Google Maps

The site at 365 and 367 Hein Road in Rutland is slated for a 24-unit apartment building. —Image: Google Maps

More multi-family housing projects proposed for Kelowna

Projects in Rutland and the Mission areas of the city proposed

Kelowna city council is sending two proposals for development of multi-family housing projects in the Rutland area to public hearings.

The proposed rezoning of land for a 4.5-storey apartment building with 24 units at 365 and 367 Hein Road and a proposal for nine three-storey, three-bedroom townhouses in three buildings at 210 Kneller Road will be put before the public for comment next month.

The Kneller Road project would be located just north of the Okanagan Metis and Aboriginal Housing Society’s new three-storey apartment building currently under construction. There are other multi-family housing developments surrounding the site.

The Hein Road proposal was viewed with optimism by some on council, with Coun. Mohini Singh saying she was happy to see people finally making an investment in that part of the city.

The area has had a checkered past with numerous reports of crime on Hein Road reported, as well as the surrounding area. But in recent the number of those reports has dropped.

City staff say the proposal, to replace the duplex now on the property with the new apartment building meets the city’s Official Community Plan objectives for the area and is an example of what the department calls “a complete community in compact urban form.”

The Rutland area is not the only part of the city where new multi-family development is being planned.

At its regular Monday afternoon meeting, council also issued a development permit for 12 townhomes at 4609 Lakeshore Road, on the corner of McClure Road and Lakeshore Road.

The proposed two-storey townhomes will all contain three bedrooms,said a city planning department report.

In the past, the city has said there is a desperate need for three-bedroom townhomes in the city for families.

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