An evacuation alert has been issued by the Regional District of Fraser-Fort George, expanding on a previously issued Cariboo Regional District alert. (Regional District of Fraser-Fort George)

More Nazko First Nation lands put under evacuation alert

Land inside the Regional District of Fraser-Fort George is now under alert

  • Jul. 15, 2021 12:00 a.m.

An evacuation alert has crossed over from the Cariboo Regional District into the Regional District of Fraser-Fort George.

The Shesta Lake and Punchaw area including Nahlquonate 2 and Deep Creek 5 is under an evacuation alert. The area is right on the boarder between the two regional districts, with the bordering area in the Cariboo Regional District also on alert due to the Purdy Lake wildfire.

READ MORE: Evacuation alert west of Quesnel expands for the second time

READ MORE: Cariboo Fire Centre gives update on wildfires burning in Quesnel Fire Zone

The district noted it put the area on alert in collaberation with the Nazko First Nation.

Other wildfires are burning in the region, including two wildfires of note between the evacuation alert areas and Vanderhoof. Two other out of control wildfires are burning to the north, in the Prince George Fire Centrre area, to the west of Stoner.

“Those in the alert area are asked to prepare in the event that an evacuation is required and take precautions to help prevent damage to their home,” the alert reads.

Residents are asked to gather important papers and valuables, make arrangements for pets and livestock and prepare a 72-hour personal emergency kit.

“The next 24 hour period is critical in the on-going assessment and planning for wildland fire response,” the alert reads.

A map of current wildfire activity is available at

More information on emergency perpardness is available at the Regional District of Fraser-Fort George website at or by calling 1-800-667-1959.

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Quesnel Cariboo Observer