More garbage tags means more money for the City of Nelson. File photo

More garbage tags means more money for the City of Nelson. File photo

More people buying garbage tags

Revenue is up 14 per cent over last year

  • Aug. 16, 2017 7:00 a.m.

Garbage tag sales in Nelson are up 14 per cent according to the city’s chief financial officer.

Colin McClure said the city has seen about a $7,000 increase in revenue during a six-month period ending June 30 compared to the same time in 2016.

He attributes it in part to better awareness by residents following a re-education plan by the city.

“I think we had a pattern of people being unaware of having to tag or people who thought if they tagged a bag in a garbage can, that would suffice. Things like that,” said McClure.

McClure said he thought changing the weight restrictions to each bag may have also played a part in the increase.

The max weight of a bag was lowered to 20 kilograms in January.

Nelson Star