A tree planter at the Waterside Ventures’ planting location. (Submitted photo/Lakes District News)

A tree planter at the Waterside Ventures’ planting location. (Submitted photo/Lakes District News)

More than 1 billion trees planted in B.C. since 2018

Province plans to plant 265 million more trees in 2022.

More than 1 billion trees have been planted in B.C. since 2018, 301 million of which were planted this year.

In a news release, the province lauded their reforestation efforts, saying that 304 million trees were planted in 2020, 258 million in 2019 and 255 million in 2018.

“B.C. is leading the country in its science-based reforestation efforts and has planted over 1 billion trees since 2018,” said Katrine Conroy, minister of forests, lands, natural resource operations and rural development.

“This milestone would not have been possible without the hard work of thousands of silviculture workers who prepare and plant millions of diverse saplings, ensuring our forests are resilient for generations to come.”

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Just over 5,000 silviculture workers will be employed planting trees in 2022. The province says those trees are currently in nurseries throughout B.C. where some 1,300 workers are preparing millions of seedlings for cold storage before they’re shipped to planting sites.

B.C. plants a mix of native tree species, including lodgepole pine, interior spruce, western red cedar, Douglas fir and Larch.

Planting season starts on the coast in February before expanding through the Interior and the North by the second week of July. The province projects 18 million trees will be planted on the coast and nearly 247 million will be planted in the Interior in 2022.


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