An Elections Canada sign shows the way to a polling station during the 2021 federal election campaign, on Sept. 12, 2021. (Photo: Tom Zillich/Black Press Media)

More than 15,000 vote in advance in Mission-Matsqui-Fraser Canyon ahead of federal election

21 per cent increase from the 2019 election as Sept. 20 approaches

  • Sep. 15, 2021 12:00 a.m.

Advance poll numbers are on the rise throughout the province as Election Day looms on Sept. 20.

Most of B.C.’s 338 ridings saw boosts in advance polling turnout numbers, and Mission-Matsqui-Fraser Canyon is no exception.

During the 2021 election, 15,249 voters within the riding participated in advance voting. In 2019, there were 12,563 advance voters, meaning this year shows an increase of 2,686 voters or a 21 per cent increase.

Province-wide, Elections Canada reports 804,116 B.C. residents have cast their ballot over four days of advance voting, which is up 13.3 per cent from the 2019 election. Nationwide, advance voting is up 18 per cent from 2019 with 5.8 million Canadians casting their votes.

Advance polling and mail-in ballot requests are closed, but there is still time to send mail-in ballots or drop them off at the nearest Elections Canada office.

Check inside this edition of The Observer for thoughts from all candidates on local issues and stay turned to for election night coverage.

– With files from Katya Slepian

Agassiz-Harrison Observer