Your Columbia River Revelstoke candidates were Nicole Cherlet (NDP); Samson Boyer (Green) and Doug Clovechok (BC Liberal). Clovechok was declared the preliminary winner on Oct. 24. (Submitted photos)

Your Columbia River Revelstoke candidates were Nicole Cherlet (NDP); Samson Boyer (Green) and Doug Clovechok (BC Liberal). Clovechok was declared the preliminary winner on Oct. 24. (Submitted photos)

More than 2,000 mail-in-votes received from Columbia River Revelstoke

Counting is expected to begin Nov. 6 and take three days

  • Nov. 4, 2020 12:00 a.m.

Elections BC has received 2,832 mail-in-ballots from the Columbia River Revelstoke riding as of Nov. 4.

Counting will begin on Friday, Nov. 6 at 10 a.m. and is expected to take three days to complete.

An estimated 497,000 mail-in ballots from across the province were returned by the deadline on Oct. 24 – breaking B.C. records.

In the Columbia River Revelstoke riding Doug Clovechok of the BC Liberals was declared the preliminary winner by the Canadian Press on general election day, Oct. 24.

He finished the evening with 5, 770, or 49 per cent of the vote. Nicole Cherlet, candidate for the BC NDP finished second with 4,551 or 38 per cent of the vote and Samson Boyer for the BC Green Party received 1,546 or 13 per cent of the votes.

Final results will be announced after the mail-in-ballots are counted.

READ MORE: B.C.’s to begin counting mail-in ballots Friday, will take at least 3 days


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