The Talbot Creek wildfire in the Slocan Valley on Saturday, Aug. 22, 2020. (BC Wildfire Service)

The Talbot Creek wildfire in the Slocan Valley on Saturday, Aug. 22, 2020. (BC Wildfire Service)

More than 300 homes under evacuation alert due to wildfire in B.C.’s Slocan Valley

Alert is due to the Talbot Creek wildfire

  • Aug. 23, 2020 12:00 a.m.

The Regional District of Central Kootenay has issued an evacuation alert for 305 homes in the communities of Lebahdo, Little Slocan, Passmore and Vallican due to the Talbot Creek wildfire.

Based on recommendation from the BC Wildfire Service, the RDCK is asking residents in the affected area to be prepared to leave their homes at a moment’s notice.

The fire is located in the Slocan Valley approximately 3.5 km north east of Highway 6 and approximately 30 km north of Castlegar.

A map of the alert area and a full list of addresses can be found on the RDCK website.

Affected addresses include some homes on Highway 6, Frogs Vista Drive, Indian PT Road, Little Slocan Road, Passmore Lower Road, Passmore Upper Road and Slocan River Road.

“With the continued hot and dry weather, and the potential for changing winds Sunday night and into Monday, the Southeast Fire Centre has recommended the Evacuation Alert as a precaution and to allow people in the area to prepare themselves,” said Chris Johnson, Director of the RDCK EOC.

“If you are affected by the alert, please take the time now to prepare to evacuate yourself and your family should an evacuation be required.”

At this time residents or visitors within the area are not required to evacuate; however, the RDCK advises people to remain vigilant and be prepared to leave the area at a moment’s notice.

It is recommended to prepare an emergency kit and ensure preparedness, including moving pets and livestock to a safe area, in the event the situation worsens and an Evacuation Order is enforced.

Due to COVID-19 restrictions there are limited options for lodging. People that are evacuated will be asked to arrange accommodations with family or friends outside the area, leaving available spots for those that need it most.

The Talbot Creek fire was discovered on Monday, August 17, and is now an estimated 200 hectares.

BC Wildfire Service considers it a Fire of Note. After Friday evening’s significant wind event, the fire has become more active and is producing significant smoke, which is highly visible from the Slocan Valley as well as surrounding communities.

Updates or changes to the Evacuation Alert will be provided via the RDCK website, Facebook and Twitter as more information becomes available.

A new fire was discovered south of Castlegar Saturday.

The China Creek fire was fought by aircraft for most of Saturday. The fire is just above Fairview and is visible from Highway 22 and nearby homes.

More to come …

betsy.kline@castlegarnews.comLike us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter

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