More vehicle break-ins reported, Grand Forks RCMP say lock doors

Two more vehicle break-ins on Dec. 4 and 5 has Grand Forks RCMP reminding people to lock cars and trucks.

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Police received a report shortly after noon on Dec. 4 that a vehicle was broken into and searched overnight.

Around $2-5 of change was taken but there are no suspects or witnesses.

“We did find a fingerprint but it wasn’t associated to anybody we would call as suspect,” said Grand Forks RCMP’s Staff Sgt. Jim Harrison. “It most likely belonged to the owner of the vehicle.”

That same afternoon, an unlocked vehicle on 11th Street was also searched. The culprit went through the glove compartment but it appears that nothing was taken.

On Dec. 5 at 9 a.m., two vehicles at a residence on 64th Avenue had been entered and rummaged through.

Change was taken, as well as a couple of screwdrivers.

“Most of the vehicles are parked and unlocked,” Harrison said. “We aren’t getting a lot of break-in thefts to vehicles because the cars are unlocked. They seem to be targeting change money left behind in the vehicles left in sight.”

Harrison noted vehicle owners should put all change or items away and lock vehicles.

“If anybody does see anyone going through vehicles or acting suspicious, we’d appreciate any calls,” he said. “We have had four or five events over the last week and obviously somebody is going around checking vehicles out.”

Grand Forks Gazette