Morning Glory poses challenge to control in Abbotsford parks

Perfect conditions are causing the weed to spread

Morning Glory is recognizable by its white trumpet-like flowers.

Morning Glory is recognizable by its white trumpet-like flowers.

The City of Abbotsford is up to its ears in Morning Glory thanks to perfect growing conditions for the invasive plant earlier this year.

A warm spring and temperate summer has combined to boost the growth of the weed – which is known by its white trumpet-like flowers – across the city’s parks.

Last week, resident Lonnie Harrison wrote to the city to warn it about the danger posed by the plants.

“Our bushes and trees at Mill Lake are getting eaten alive, literally, by Morning Glory,” wrote Harrison, who volunteers with the city’s parks and recreation department.

“If you look carefully, you will see that some bushes are now brown and dying, having had the ‘life’ sucked out of them by this very invasive weed. If we don’t get on top of this problem, this weed will become even more entrenched.”

The city is aware of the problem, which is making itself felt around the city, a spokesperson told The News.

It uses a combination of staff workers and volunteers to combat weeds.

Harrison noted that the weed is best taken care of by being pulled off surrounding plants and out of the ground – a process that is “laborious.”


Abbotsford News