Rubber Ducks. (Contributed)

Rubber Ducks. (Contributed)

Morning Start: Nearly 30,000 rubber ducks were lost at sea in 1992

Your morning start for Wednesday, April 8

  • Apr. 8, 2020 12:00 a.m.

Happy hump day! Today’s forecast is 15 degrees and sunny. Woohoo!

Fun Fact of the day:

Did you know nearly 30,000 rubber ducks were lost at sea in 1992 and are still being discovered today?

Over 25 years ago, a cargo ship traveling from Hong Kong to the United States accidentally lost a shipping crate in the Pacific Ocean. Inside that crate were 28,000 rubber ducks unwittingly about to embark on many long journeys across the globe. As rubber ducks continue to pop up on shores around the world from Australia to Alaska, they’ve enlightened our understanding of ocean currents. Some have made it all the way to the Atlantic Ocean, while others have been found frozen in Arctic ice.

Weather forecast according to Environment Canada:

The weather has become tolerable as we inch closer to spring.

In Kelowna:

In Vernon:

In Penticton:

In Salmon Arm:

In case you missed it:

As the team of temporary foreign workers at a West Kelowna agricultural business continue to self-isolate, community support has not been in short supply.

On March 31, an outbreak of COVID-19 was announced among 75 workers — 63 migrant and 12 local — at Bylands Nurseries Ltd. Following the outbreak, Interior Health mandated isolation and subsequent testing of 27 workers, a total of 19 tested positive for the virus.

Video of the day:

; font-family: arial, sans-serif; font-size: .9em; text-indent: 5px; line-height: 18px;”>Reporter, Kelowna Capital News


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