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Morning Start: The human calculator managed 36 additions in 15 seconds

Your morning start for Friday, Sept. 24, 2021

  • Sep. 24, 2021 12:00 a.m.

Good morning and a very happy Friday! It’s another sunny day today. Unfortunately, rain is back in the forecast starting Sunday.

Fun fact: The human calculator managed 36 additions in 15 seconds

In 2000, an American named Scott Flansburg — also known as the Human Calculator — was given a two-digit number (38) and added it to itself over and over again as fast as he could.

Flansburg had 15 seconds to complete the challenge, and as he was adding, two mathematicians did the same using a calculator. Before time ran out, Flansburg managed to complete 36 additions, earning him the Guinness World Record title of the fastest human calculator.

“You guys are slow,” Flansburg joked to the mathematicians after he finished.

According to Guinness, Flansburg can instantly divide any two numbers, as well as determine what day of the week you were born.

Weather forecast from Environment Canada

In Kelowna:


In Penticton:


In Revelstoke:


In Salmon Arm:

Salmon Arm

In Vernon:


In case you missed it

Westbank First Nation (WFN) and the BC RCMP signed a first-of-its-kind agreement on Monday (Sept. 20) that permits the enforcement of Westbank law on Westbank lands.

The memorandum of understanding was signed by WFN Chief Christopher Derickson and RCMP deputy commissioner Dwayne McDonald, who’s also BC RCMP’s commanding officer. WFN councillors signed off on the agreement, rendering the policing services effective immediately.

“WFN is proud to be signing this MOU (memorandum of understanding) with the RCMP. It is the first of its kind in Canada,” said Derickson.

Read the full story here.

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Enjoy this cute video of a baby lamb prancing around.


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That’s all for today. Everyone, have a great day!


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