Rice krispie squares. (Pixabay)

Morning Start: There used to be four Rice Krispies characters

Your morning start for Sept. 2

  • Sep. 2, 2021 12:00 a.m.

Good morning and happy Thursday!

The last few days have been nice and chilly, but expect mid to high 20s throughout the region for the rest of the week. There’ll be some sun for the next couple of days, and then clouds will roll back in.

Fun fact: There used to be four Rice Krispies brothers: Snap, Crackle, Pop and Pow

Snap, Crackle and Pop first appeared on Rice Krispies boxes in the 1940s. The elfin characters represented the sounds the cereal made when mixed with milk.

But did you know there was a fourth character?

For a short period of time in the 1950s, Snap, Crackle and Pop were joined by a little guy named Pow. Storyboards apparently showed that the original trio are brothers, and Pow is a family friend.

Pow’s popularity never really took off though, which is why to this day, we only have Snap, Crackle and Pop.

A look at the weather

In Kelowna:


In Penticton:


In Vernon:


In Salmon Arm:


In Revelstoke:


In case you missed it: Vax card protesters take over streets near Kelowna General Hospital

Roughly 1,000 people gathered in front of the Kelowna General Hospital in protest of provincial health measures on Wednesday (Sept. 1) afternoon.

Many of the protesters said they were there in response to the vaccine card that the province introduced on Aug. 30.

The “vaccine passport” will take effect on Sept. 13, and is for those who have had at least one dose of the vaccine in order to access non-essential businesses, including indoor ticketed events, bars, restaurants and fitness centres.

Here’s what’s trending on TikTok:

These pups sure have a wonderful bond.



♬ Night Changes – One Direction

And that’s it. Have a great rest of your day!

@twilamam twila.amato@blackpress.ca

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