Interior Health says motels and hotels can be used as isolation accommodation for those who do not have a place to stay. (Steven Lewis via Stocksnap)

Motels, hotels used as safe space to isolate: Interior Health

Roommates, homeless among population provided accommodation in COVID recovery

  • Feb. 19, 2021 12:00 a.m.

Reports of several people under quarantine at a Vernon motel earlier this week can’t be confirmed for privacy reasons, Interior Health said. But, the health authority said motels and hotels are utilized to provide a safe space for self-isolation for those without.

“In situations where individuals do not have an appropriate place to isolate, Interior Health (IH) will look at alternate locations,” a statement from IH reads. “For example, this could be in shared housing situations where there is limited room to isolate, if an individual is challenged with homelessness, etc.”

Accommodation is arranged directly with the affected individuals after they are identified through contact tracing.

“Anyone isolating due to COVID-19 is kept separate from other guest areas if a hotel is being used,” IH said. “Food and supplies are brought to the individual and no interaction occurs with hotel staff.”

Public health staff continue to provide medical care and services as needed.

“It is important to stress that accommodation and other costs are looked at on a case-by-case basis and we review each individual’s ability to pay, other options for temporary housing,” IH said.

“We remind everyone not to stigmatize or judge others who seek testing or test positive for COVID-19,” Interior Health said in a statement.

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Vernon Morning Star