Save-On-Foods handyman Jack Bell picks up a mother duck and reunites her with 10 ducklings.

Save-On-Foods handyman Jack Bell picks up a mother duck and reunites her with 10 ducklings.

Mother duck, 10 ducklings rescued in Mission

Save-On-Foods employees and members of the public helped rescue a family of ducks that wandered up to the Mission store.

A mother duck and 10 ducklings were rescued by a Save-On-Foods employee on Wednesday (May 4) afternoon.

The ducks wandered up to Mission’s Save-On-Foods location on London Ave. and attempted to get inside the store.

Several concerned citizens informed staff about the fine-feathered family and a rescue attempt began.

Jack Bell, a handyman at the store, grabbed a cardboard box and began collecting the ducklings for safe keeping.

Eventually, they were corralled both in front of the store and the neighbouring Starbucks.

“They were so cute,” said one employee. “They just wandered up to the store.”

By the time the ducks were captured, a large crowd of people had gathered to watch the rescue.

Once the entire family was secure in their temporary cardboard home,  a pair of good Samaritans took the duck ducklings and returned them to the safety of the water.

Mission City Record