The Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure’s preliminary design for the proposed Quesnel North-South Interconnector is viewable online at (B.C. Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure website)

MOTI not prioritizing Quesnel interconnector route

Quesnel council received a letter noting the ministry was prioritizing recovery work in the Cariboo

  • Sep. 28, 2021 12:00 a.m.

The Quesnel interconnector project has been dropped back in priority according to an update given to Quesnel city council during their Tuesday, Sept. 28 meeting.

According to a report from the executive committee, city manager Byron Johnson received a letter from the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure (MOTI) noting they would be prioritizing recovery work in the Cariboo region over the interconnector.

READ MORE: MOTI releases proposed Quesnel interconnetor route online

Mayor Bob Simpson said the ministry’s budget in the region is stressed due to road construction, and the city will be sending a letter requesting the ministry separate the interconnector funds from the regional budget.

“This is a bigger picture than just the city,” councillor Scott Elliott said.

Simpson added the preliminary work has been accepted and approved, but the project needs $1.5 million in engineering work to get it ready to put out for tender.

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