Rod Sherrell, SD 85 trustee candidate and Mount Waddington RD director candidate

Rod Sherrell, SD 85 trustee candidate and Mount Waddington RD director candidate

Mount Waddington RD: Rod Sherrell

Area C has the greatest population and highest number of communities of any area

  • Nov. 12, 2011 8:00 p.m.

1. What’s the No.1 issue in Area C?

2. What do you plan to do in office?

3. Why should people vote for you?


1. Area C has the greatest population and highest number of communities of any area in the Regional District. In addition to the specific needs of each community are regional services such as our transit system, health network and waste management.  It’s important to ensure all communities have a voice in how the services are developed and maintained.

2. Initially I would get staff to update me on status of things and then attend upcoming APC and LCC meetings.  I would also make myself available to attend council meetings of the First nations communities.

3. As a former director for Area C and chair of the regional board, I’m aware of the responsibilities of the position as well as the opportunity it provides to promote the growth of our communities.  I look back with satisfaction at the work accomplished during my last terms.  These include the water treatment plant for Coal Harbour, establishment of sewer service area for Hyde Creek, location for the Quatsino museum and the introduction of the regional transit service.



North Island Gazette