Mounties lace up for Special Olympics

NANAIMO – Mounties to wear red boot laces to show support for Special Olympics.

Special Olympians Jason Kemp, second from left, Jayleen Brash and Bill Polz, find themselves surrounded by Const. Martin Mindel, left, Cpl. Kurt Gottfried, Const. Gary O’Brien and other RCMP members who tied their boots with red laces to show their support for Special Olympics Thursday.

Special Olympians Jason Kemp, second from left, Jayleen Brash and Bill Polz, find themselves surrounded by Const. Martin Mindel, left, Cpl. Kurt Gottfried, Const. Gary O’Brien and other RCMP members who tied their boots with red laces to show their support for Special Olympics Thursday.

More than 30 Nanaimo RCMP members wore red laces in their boots Thursday to show their support for the Special Olympics Law Enforcement Torch Run.

Wearing red laces is part of Special Olympics’ Be a Fan Day program. Officers wearing them show communities where they serve that they are now and will continue to be No. 1 fans of Special Olympics.

The RCMP has supported Special Olympics since 1987 through the Law Enforcement Torch Run, held annually in communities across Canada. The run is Special Olympics’ single largest fund raiser and has raised more than $2 million since 1990. Funds raised assist with training, provide facilities and coaches and  offset travel costs for athletes attending competitions.

“The Nanaimo RCMP proudly support Special Olympics and are honored to be associated with this charity and these incredible athletes,” said Const. Gary O’Brien, Nanaimo RCMP spokesman. “Wearing red laces for one day of the year is a small but symbolic gesture, which tells these athletes we stand with them as they work towards achieving their goals in life and in sports.”


Nanaimo News Bulletin