Canada’s House of Commons (File photo)

MP McLeod on end of parliamentary session

As the 2021 spring session of Parliament came to an end, Cathy McLeod, MP for Kamloops-Thompson-Cariboo, reflected on the last couple months and about the possibility of a federal election.

  • Jul. 1, 2021 12:00 a.m.

As the 2021 spring session of Parliament came to an end, Cathy McLeod, MP for Kamloops-Thompson-Cariboo, reflected on the last couple months and about the possibility of a federal election.

“This has been a difficult year for many for a variety of reasons,” she said in a press release, noting the COVID-19 pandemic and vaccine distribution, as well as the discovery of the remains of 215 children at a former residential school in Kamloops. “It is yet another sobering reminder of how much work true reconciliation still requires.”

McLeod then referred to the “unprecedented decision” made by the Liberal government to take the Speaker of the House to court over redacted documents regarding two scientists fired from a virology lab in Winnipeg, Man, as well as recent legislation proposed, Bill C-1o, which updates the broadcasting act.

“I believe restricts the free speech of Canadians,” she said in the release. Conservative MPs have demanded more assurances that the proposed bill won’t hinder individual’s freedom who upload to social media platforms.

McLeod noted the Liberal government’s omnibus bill creates “unprecedented spending and debt” and refers to the Conservative Party’s recovery plan, recovering 1 million jobs in one year, enacting a new anti-corruption law, a Canada mental health plan, creating a plan to handle any future pandemic and balancing the budget over 10 years.

People’s Party of Canada choose their candidate

Corally Delwo will be the candidate for the People’s Party of Canada in the next federal election, according to a press release.

The Kamloops-Thompson-Cariboo PPC Association held a vote during a meeting on June 27 between two contestants: Corally Delwo and Matt Robson.

Robson congratulated his opponent after her win stating, “I am going to support Corally and the PPC and continue to educate people about the danger of relinquishing our autonomy to the government and the globalist agenda they serve.”

In response, Delwo was quick to thank Robson, noting he was a worthy opponent.

At the meeting, Delwo said she’s excited to visit all the communities in the riding, including Clearwater, 100 Mile House, Savona “and all the other communities and homes in between.” She also noted she will reach out and work with neighbouring First Nations bands throughout the riding.

“With the recent news cycle highlighting historical tragedies at residential schools in Canada, I will be a strong advocate of our Indigenous communities and support their efforts to heal and thrive,” Delwo said in the press release.

Delwo has caught media attention for organizing anti-lockdown, pro-business demonstrations in Kamloops. She also ran for municipal office in 2018.

Clearwater Times