MP Nathan Cullen not surprised by LNG delays

Nathan Cullen isn't surprised that final investment decisions on LNG have been halted.

The final investment decisions of both BG Group and Pacific NorthWest LNG being halted isn’t surprising to Skeena — Bulkey Valley MP Nathan Cullen.

“The fact that projects have been put on hold with the prices where they are is not much of a surprise,” he said, adding the development of liquefied natural gas has been hot and cold in British Columbia.

“On the financial front, Canada is in a difficult position, in part because of the collapsing energy prices … I still think LNG remains an ongoing question.”

Cullen said his confidence in how the provincial and federal governments are handling the LNG discussion has also diminished.

“I think the B.C. government has handled negotiations with these companies poorly,” he said.

The Northern View