MP not a fan of hub-and-spoke proposal

Skeena – Bulkley Valley MP Nathan Cullen said he hopes Northern Health will put aside its plans to modify healthcare delivery in the region.

Skeena – Bulkley Valley MP Nathan Cullen said he hopes Northern Health will put aside its plans to modify healthcare delivery in the region.

“There is an internal report suggesting the move to a hub-and-spoke model that, I would argue, would greatly deteriorate service in the Northwest. I have grave concerns about what is being proposed by Northern Health and, thankfully, those sentiments are being echoed by many community and elected leaders,” he said.

“My hope is that Northern Health will be swayed away from this plan.”

Because healthcare is in the jurisdiction of the provincial government, Cullen said he has only gone so far as lending his vocal support to municipal leaders wanting to lobby for a change to the proposal. However, he did not rule out becoming more personally involved should actions begin to take shape around the proposal.

“Plan A would be for Northern Health to walk away from this worrisome idea, but if they decide to proceed with it they will come across some strong opposition from my MLA counterparts, municipal mayors and councils and myself,” he said.


The Northern View