MP set to host second virtual town hall on June 12

When your phone rings between seven and 7:30 p.m. on June 12, you can be part of the second virtual town hall hosted by MP Nathan Cullen.

When your phone rings between seven and 7:30 p.m. on June 12, you can be part of the second virtual town hall hosted by Skeena – Bulkley Valley MP Nathan Cullen.

The first call included over 8,100 people in the riding talking about everything from health care to the economy, and this time Cullen hopes to have another strong turnout in light of the cuts and changes contained in the massive budget bill.

It is very much an information gathering, listening-post exercise. I want people ot give us information and share their own experiences with and effects of the trojan horse bill rolled through parliament. We have a fact sheet, with no opinion or spin, saying these are the changes happening to Canadian law. We want people to know about it and to tell us what they think about these changes…We don’t want this thing to end just because passsed through the house after the government shut down debate on the subject,” said Cullen.

It is an entirely unique wayt to interact with me, but also neightbours and friends see what going on in the riding.”

As well as Cullen, deputy NDP leader and environment critic Megan Leslie will be on the call. Cullen invited the Opposition’s environment critic to guest on the town hall because of widespread interest in the riding around harsh cuts to environmental protection announced in the Conservatives’ omnibus budget bill. Cullen and Leslie will take as many questions as the one-hour event, and last year, 21 of the 251 questions posed were answered live on line, with staff following up on all remaining questions within a few weeks.

Those wishing to join the town hall pick up the phone, follow simple prompts and remain on the line for as little or long as they are interested. People wishing to ask questions will be connected to a live operator.

The Northern View