Wayne Stetski, Question Period. Bernard Thibodeau, House of Commons Photo Services

Wayne Stetski, Question Period. Bernard Thibodeau, House of Commons Photo Services

MP Stetski’s Local Food Bill sent to Senate committee

Earlier this year, Kootenay Columbia MP Wayne Stetski introduced a bill to establish a National Local Food Day, and that bill is now moving to committee, the next step in establishing it, quite an accomplishment for a private member's bill.

Earlier this year, Kootenay Columbia MP Wayne Stetski introduced a bill to establish a National Local Food Day, and that bill is now moving to committee, the next step in establishing it, quite an accomplishment for a private member’s bill.

READ MORE: Stetski’s bill well received in Ottawa

Bill C-291 would establish the Friday before Thanksgiving each year as National Local Food Day.

The bill was sent to the Senate Standing Committee on Agriculture and Forestry.

Stetski is hopeful the Committee will conduct its review in the next few weeks, bringing C-281 one step closer to becoming law before Parliament dissolves later this spring. “I urge Canadians to write to the Senate Committee and share their support for National Local Food Day, so we can celebrate it this October,” MP Stetski said.

“A National Local Food Day is something everyone can get behind. Food is at the heart of our homes, our communities and our economy. Ensuring that Canadians have access to healthy, affordable local food and a sustainable food system need to be national priorities,” MP Stetski said.

According to Statistics Canada, agriculture contributed $111.9 billion and accounted for 6.7% of Canada’s GDP in 2016. The agriculture and agri-food system as a whole provide 1 in 8 Canadian jobs, employing 2.3 million people. Establishing a National Local Food Day would give all Canadians an opportunity to celebrate our local food and recognize the hard work of local producers and harvesters, hunters and fishers, food manufacturers, farmers’ markets, and others in every region across the country. It would also raise awareness of the challenges many Canadians face in accessing healthy, affordable food close to home.

Letters on Bill C-281 can be sent to:

Standing Senate Committee on Agriculture and Forestry

The Senate of Canada

Ottawa, Ontario

Canada, K1A 0A4

Fax: 1-613-947-2104

Email: agfo@sen.parl.gc.ca

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